Hugh Jackman is People magazine's sexiest man alive. My questions are simple: 1. Has every other man recently passed away, left this world to meet his maker? and 2. Am I being punked. It's hard for me to sleep at night knowing this is as good as it gets. I recently contacted People in order to determine the criteria by which the sexiest man alive is chosen, however, they have declined answering. Im sure its something extremely scientific and accurate. This is hogwash; please refer to the picture displayed above, and tell me how any man with a forehead of that magnitude can be considered "sexy" by any standards.
An article published by Access Hollywood on November 25, 2008:
NEW YORK CITY, N.Y. -- George Clooney has been crowned People's "Sexiest Man Alive" two times, first in 1997 and then in 2006. But his words of wisdom for the current "Sexiest" guy came in a late night phone call, saying, "Shut up, Jackman!''
Words of wisdom for Hugh Jackman from Hairy Nipple News: Cut off half of your forehead, de-glaze and realign your eyes, and go buy a smaller nose- for starters.
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