Half girl. Half octopus. We live in a world of fear; fear of this thing HNN likes to call: The Octochild.
If we do not kill Lakshmi or "Octochild,"she will bring havoc, and cause mass destruction throughout our entire universe. It is rumored that she will kill any human who doesn't have a mutated figure, such as her own self. Detectives have spotted the child crawling around Bihar, which is the region from where she was birthed from. "We must be careful, Lakshmi is very wise, she has strangled at least seven recorded FBI agents."-Detective Paul Ruben
Having a camouflaged body makes it twenty times harder to spot this Octochild. Residents of Bihar have told HNN that around two months ago, Octochild murdered 23 men who tried to kill her with bazooka launchers. Their deaths were caused by the poisoning of ink expelled from her vagina.
-As of now, all we as a society can do is wait for this being to die off. However, we know it's not anytime soon, being that she is only 2 years old. HNN will keep everyone in our prayers daily.
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