Ramco Primary School in South Australia was planning a "disability day" and fundraiser with prizes for the "best students dressed as a person with a disability." 'Disabled Dress-Up Day' was created with good intentions, but the parents who received the letters about it thought differently. Some claimed that they believed the schools heart was in the right place, but the idea was 'bad taste.' The school said they just wanted to raise awareness about what it is really like to be disabled. But the message they sent out became a big misunderstanding.
One disabled parent said "People with disabilities want to be treated and should be treated no different to anybody else in the community." And that is true. So if schools can have 'Dress 70's Day" or "Punk Rock Day" or "White Trash Day", why can they not have a "Disabled Dress-up Day" fundraiser to raise awareness. Everyone can be labeled, this is the cold, slimy truth. So when you want to be treated like a normal group, like say, rednecks or gangstAs, you better be ready to see people dress up like you as a fun way to let loose.
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