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Monday, March 16, 2009

Beaten-With-an-Ugly-Stick Brunette

Fergie's newest hair scare is quite the greasy mess. The dark, slick and severe hair ages her... but so does crystal meth, and we all know how much she loved that stuff. Going for the sticky, smelly, slutty look, it was only a matter of time before Fergie resorted to this dye-job. It looks great- if you will be appearing on Maury or Jerry Springer.

I like my stars to be seen with greasy fries, not greasy roots. My advice to Fergie: go back to the salon and tell them to try and make you look a little less like a cheap whore.

It's Raining Arrows

Watch out for a new trend flying through New York City, and possibly to a city near you... Arrows falling from the sky.

One woman had to learn about this fad the hard way. Direct contact. Denise Delgado-Brown was dropping things off at a local nursing home when, all of a sudden, an arrow torn into her stomach.

Police say the arrow is the kind used for hunting, but believe
Denise Delgado-Brown's stomach was not a bull's eye for the arrow. But you tell me, who hunts AND lives in the Big Apple? Cougars, that's who, and they hunt young men, not boring, nursing-home-helping women.

It could be a more interesting story had her condition not been stable after arriving at a hospital.