Who watches The Hills? I need a list of names along with addresses so i can exterminate this group of LC lovers. Really, why is there such a following for this poorly scripted, poorly executed piece of... work. I can not figure it out. More infuriating than knowing that The Hills is in existence is the thought that there is a spin-off called The City. I try to avoid MTV and their flock of reality shows best I can, but now I will have to program my TV to skip the channel completely- which should have happened long ago. To think that little Whitney Port will be starring in her own show horrifies me. The only clips i ever saw of her showed her, mouth agape, staring mindlessly at the moron LC. As I know this show will be nothing but bullshit, I also know that herds of females will gather around TV sets whenever The City premieres.
Just to be fair, the plot of The City will be told: Whitney leaves LA for NYC (thus the clever title The City) to work for Diane Von Furstenberg. Not much of a story line, but I'm sure that there will be a lot of salad-eating, omg exclamations, and fake smiles- along with fake everything else.
1 comment:
It is sad. Laguna Beach was good. Really, it was. Then after the first two seasons..it sucked chinese ass. Then the Hills? After a couple seasons of the Hills, that I most definitely didn't watch, happened, I, as well as some other canny people, figured that we were safe for a while from other mindless television shows, that, alas, teenage and twenty-some women watch. And then the City happened, or rather, will happen. Hopefully it won't last.
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