You may hear the name Elaine Davidson and think, "that sounds like a housewife who wears mom jeans." Let HNN inform you that this is no Caucasian housewife, but in fact a woman from Scotland who wears body paint and has 6,005 piercings! The first time we saw Elaine was in The Guinness Book of World Records for having the most [at the time: 462] piercings.
Davidson claims to have over 1,500 "internal" piercings. -From data gathered by the staff of HNN, one could conclude that Davidson has an orgasm everytime she walks, sneezes, moves her finger, etc.
This woman states that she doesn't even like getting piercings. (It's clear to us she has a sick fetish of sticking needles in her body)--Davidson only does it because she wants to keep her name in the record for having the most body piercings.
HNN wishes all the best to Davidson and her body piercings. Even those piercings that have the crusty puss infecting Davidson's body. --Keep doing your thang homegirl.
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