See this woman. She appears to be a friendly-looking citizen. But under her common front lies a dirty, selfish, sick obsession: She wants to give birth to as many children as she can. It is a rare mental illness called 'Giantium Vaginium' which makes her think that having 14 children is a good thing. It is not.
Nadya Suleman recented birthed octuplets, which the act alone astounded doctors world-wide. She claims to want her children to have siblings since her own childhood was lonely, isolating, and depressing. But if she thought about the girls growing up and needing to use the restroom only to find that the line starts at the kitchen, she would have found a happy medium.
Her children will probably grow up to hate and resent her for her 'noble' duties. Sharing everything from tampons to condoms, these children will most likely become newsworthy when they slay Nadya for having so many of them and not enough money or space to do so.
We will leave you with a few kind words: Nadya, double up your meds and become a prostitute. This will numb you to the dreadful feelings you will experience while allowing you to get your children thier own diapers.
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