Study the photo to the left. Does this look anything like Johnny Depp? No. Does this man look sexually appealing? No. Does he appear to be drunk in a cool, nonchalant sort of way that demands admiration and respect? No. But this is a real live pirate.
Abduhl Wali-i-Musi is his name. And prior to fucking with American men, pirating was his game. He is currently being charged with piracy and is the first person to do so in over a century. He is said to be 18 by US officails, but his mother begs to differ, saying he is only 16 and got into piracy by "gangsters with money".
Either way, it will only be a few years before lifetime or some indie film-makers decide to tell his story. Until then, we can tell our children that the images of pirates they have come to know and love, like that of Captain Jack Sparrow, are mere illusions. And when a child wants to dress up as a pirate on Halloween, it is Abduhl Wali-i-Musi they must try to emulate.
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