Always a firm believer of his power, man has sought to fix every disaster, be it natural or not, that comes his way. Not even comes his way since man has been known to travel great distances to fix other people's problems. Historically speaking, there are many examples of this. (But I've never been a do-er, so that is as much time and effort that will be put into that. Plus world history has never been my strong suit.) A prime example of today's do good-er would have to be all people who consciously buy Product Red , um, products. AIDS was so '80s. It's practically dead here in America. And since i am American that's really all i care about. Africa is plagued with more diseases than the whole entire wealth of the world could afford to do studies, find cures, get the antidote to Africa and cure the whole lot of them. AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria are all being fought against by Product Red, which are a products that send a portion of the profit to Africa to help supply the battle. It's a swell idea, to date more than 1,750,000 people have received AIDS treatment (YAY!). But treating a result of a problem is not necessarily doing anything towards the actual problem.
AIDS is the disease one gets after their immune system has been taken hostage completely by HIV. AIDS is contracted through any bodily fluids. Tuberculosis is bacteria that spread through the air and are passed from person to person. Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease. The mosquito bites a human and gives them the disease through their blood. Blood transfusions, organ transplants and the use of needles and syringes can all transfer malaria. Now the educational part is over. Curing even half of the infected people means nothing. They more than likely will be reintroduced to whichever disease. Those diseases are the result of a shitty environment. Africa, ask yourself, are you sanitary? or are you breeding filth? So why does anyone think that saving a few lives will do any good? If what Africa is doing was anything close to right, I think they would be holding cool Product Red, White and Blue events for America. Clearly, this is not the case. My advice to Africa: get your shit together, maybe throw up some toilets and plumbing, bath monthly, and maybe you wont have such a poor bunch of lads and lassies.
i think i counted 19 entries being posted just in the past 24 hrs. i don't have time to read that many in one day. post slower please. you're making me look bad.
Dear Nipply News,
I'm offended by this article (now that i just read it). To say "throw up some toilets and plumbing, bath monthly, and maybe you wont have such a poor bunch of lads and lassies" shows how naive and generally uneducated you are concerning the topics you choose to write about. Unless, you were going for that ... in that case, i missed the entire point of this article, and your irony has prevailed. but i doubt it.
Now that's just naive. HNN is quite right. There is no simple solution to the problems in Africa or the world at large, and throwing some money around or intitiating some minor programs to combat some of the diseases circulating will not help. If you do not eradicate, for instance, malaria, all at once, it will adapt into a more resilient strain... hell, it might do that anyways.
Most of Africa is an absolute mess, and it's everybody's mess... The US, the Africans, the Europeans, everybody.
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