According to Sky News, a Malaysian man was stabbed to death after hogging the microphone at a karaoke bar. Abdul Sani Doli, the mic-hog, was taking an unfair amount of time to sing multiple songs. After denying the other men of karaoke fun, Doli was talked to by the group of men. And when I say "talked to" I really mean beat and stabbed... to death.
Apparently this karaoke-krazed killing is not only happening in Malaysia. Reports from China, South Korea, and Japan have revealed the same sort of upset karaokers who believe that the only way to stop another from singing more songs is to beat and kill them.
It seems reasonable to me. People have to understand that hogging the mic is unacceptable. No one wants to hear an unprofessional voice for very long. Sometimes I can't stand watching actual paid professionals on TV for more than a few seconds. Rage grows inside of me and I know that if I were within stabbing distance I would severely ruin Mariah Carey, among others.
If you are ever the one doing the singing, watch out for signs of an unruly and unhappy audience. Things such as: mean glares, solemn faces, knuckle cracking, loud obscenities, guns, knives, and really anything that can cause pain once thrown at you. Always keep one eye on your back for unexpected attacks. And always give up the mic after someone confronts you. Chances are the second confrontation will end your life.
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