Gaming, once thought of as a purely adolescent hobby, is now uniting people the way on-line chat rooms usually do. It shouldn't come as a shock, its December of 2008, what can we not do via technological devices? If I wanted to I could order food, clothing and sex (the most basic of all needs) through the Internet, and never leave my house. But that is beside the point.
Her gaming name was SickNDeHed. His was PsychoVandal. Upon the first glance of each other's names they knew they had found something special... something, dare I say, psychotically sick. After finding each other while playing Halo, Desirai Labrada, 29, and John Henry, 26, decided to take their gaming romance to a new level. Playing Halo as a team, watching each other's back, sacrificing lives for one another, and in serious instances Desirai has been known to take Dramamine in order to battle it out through 3 hour gaming events for John. True love, no doubt.
Since she lived in New York and he in Florida, SickNDeHed flew down to Florida to meet her Vandal in 2005, roughly one year since they first began Halo-ing together. Soon after she moved down to Florida permanently to be with John. And early this year, after John popped the question to Desirai, Desi thought that a Halo-themed wedding was the best way to show how completely crazy they are.
After planning the wedding, John's family is not too crazy about the idea, constantly fretting about what to wear. Desi's family is not in the know since Desi thought it would be best to just not tell them...
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