"I proposed a tax on sugared beverages like soda. Research has demonstrated that soft-drink consumption is one of the main drivers of childhood obesity" states New York Gov. David Paterson who is pushing for a tax on highly caloric, non-nutritional beverages for the state of New York. He goes on to say that "What smoking was to my parents' generation, obesity is to my children's generation. Nearly one out of every four New Yorkers under the age of 18 is obese".
To that, us here at HNN says at least smoking was considered "cool" and "edgy"... "sexy" even. Really any word that implies awesomeness, in any sort of arena. Classic the way sultry ladies and men lit up in old-time movies. Bad-ass in the way that villains and criminals blow smoke in cops faces. Familiar in the way that confused teens choke on smoke while talking about how bad they did on their algebra test last Wednesday. Obesity has never been "cool" and surely never will be. And the only obese people ever captured on film provoked sadness and disgust in my heart.
Even the ads for cigarettes were alluring and fun. No matter how many suave, good-looking people McDonald's pays to eat some McNuggets, eating greasy, fattening food will never be sexy. It's just sad that the youth of our time is known for obesity, which is the least cool of all the seven deadly sins.
Now that I am depressed, I think I will drive to McDonalds and buy two double cheeseburgers, three apple pies, and a root beer... right after my fling with Ben&Jerry's is over.
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