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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Python Gives Birth to Hippo

It was a beautiful South American day, when Lady Python was ready to give birth. News reporters congregated around Lady as soon as they heard she was having contractions. It was a rough 3 hours of labor.. Lady hissing in pain, while the reporters just watched. There was no midwife or doctor for Lady, she was on her own. Once she was dilated enough, Lady showed the world the ends of her baby's feet. It wasn't long after the feet that the rest of the body plopped out. A beautiful and unusual sight; an 88 pound hippopotamus was birthed to a gorgeous python.

The birthing process was unique and fascinating.. and HNN has the exclusive footage:

Snake Regurgitates Whole Hippo - Click here for the most popular videos

1 comment:

Payno Mindtome said...

Wow...I don't know who to feel worse for, the snake or the hippo.