Then come to Columbus, New Mexico!
This small, economically-meager town is a hot spot for Mexican drug smugglers who are trying to keep their mind on their money, money on their mind. The police are almost completely absent in this cozy little town, which is only rubber bands on the money wads to the Mexican criminals- or anyone else involved in illegal activity.
Townspeople don't seem to mind the drug smuggling, and insist that without the influx of illegal money, their town would not even survive. Some of the townspeople will even tell you that there is no problem, drug or money, at all. That everything is just fine.
But, cops in the surrounding areas have been snooping around and are quickly learning the Who's Who of the Mexican drug smugglers. Claiming to know the names and games of many, police are just waiting it out for the big bust.
So, if you are a Mexican drug smuggler in the smaller area of Columbus, New Mexico, I would load up all my possessions into my shiny, black, hydraulic SUV, pick up my amigos, and road trip til i found the next 'in the middle of nowhere' town. Good Luck Guys.